Passion Struck with John R. Miles



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In this episode of the Passion Struck podcast, Dr. Marie-Hélène Pelletier, explains why a resilience plan is important in our lives because it helps us navigate challenges, setbacks, and high-pressure situations more effectively. It allows us to bounce back from adversity, maintain our well-being, and continue moving forward toward our goals.

A resilience plan provides us with a strategic approach to optimize our work performance and mental health. It helps us identify our values, assess our current situation, and create customized strategies to build and sustain resilience.

Being intentional about our thoughts, actions, and self-care can better manage stress, prevent burnout, and enhance our overall well-being. A resilience plan also helps us prioritize our workload, build a supportive community, and foster a culture of civility and respect. It empowers us to take deliberate and intentional actions to protect our resilience and thrive in both our personal and professional lives.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Intentionality in Resilience: Dr. Pelletier emphasizes the importance of being intentional in cultivating resilience, highlighting the need for clarity of goals and strategic planning.
  • Challenging Unexamined Thoughts: By encouraging individuals to examine and challenge their thoughts, Dr. Pelletier underscores the power of cognitive behavioral management in fostering resilience and overcoming obstacles.
  • Customized Resilience Plans: Dr. Pelletier advocates for personalized resilience plans tailored to individual needs and circumstances, emphasizing the accessibility and effectiveness of small, intentional actions.
  • Leadership in Resilience Building: Leaders can support resilience building within their teams by fostering open communication, managing workloads effectively, and promoting a culture of civility and respect.


This episode is a must-listen for high achievers and professionals who want to enhance their resilience and well-being. Dr. Marie-Hélène Pelletier provides valuable insights and practical strategies for building resilience in both personal and professional contexts. By understanding the early warning signs of burnout, challenging unhelpful thinking patterns, and creating a customized strategic resilience plan, listeners can take proactive steps to optimize their work performance and mental health.

The episode offers actionable advice and emphasizes the importance of intentional action and self-reflection in building resilience. Whether you’re a leader, or team member, or navigating the complexities of the modern workplace, this episode provides valuable guidance for becoming more resilient and achieving long-term success and well-being.

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