(pronounce Mah-ree Eh-len Pell-tee-ay)
I’m thrilled to introduce Dr. Pelletier (‘Dr. Pell-tee-ay’), better known as “MH” (which is also a handy reference for “mental health”, so the short form is a great fit).
MH brings a signature mix of business and psychology. Holding both a PhD and an MBA, she translates psychology research into strategies professionals, leaders and their teams need to thrive. MH shares what psychologists know but other professionals and leaders may not, specifically the intersection of high-performance and strong workplace mental health.
She has over 20 years of experience as a leadership psychologist, executive coach and senior leader in the corporate, insurance, and governance sectors. Her award-winning book, The Resilience Plan: A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Your Work Performance and Mental Health, was named a “Top 5 Book to Read” by Inc. Magazine and Forbes. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Marie-Helene Pelletier (‘Dr. Mah-ree Eh-len Pell-tee-ay.’)
Je suis ravi(e) de vous présenter la Dre. Marie-Hélène Pelletier.
Marie-Hélène apporte un mélange unique du monde des affaires et de la psychologie. Détentrice à la fois d’un doctorat et d’un MBA, elle traduit la recherche en psychologie en stratégies dont les professionnels, les leaders et leurs équipes ont besoin pour prospérer. Marie-Hélène partage ce que les psychologues savent mais que d’autres professionnels et leaders peuvent ignorer, en particulier à l’intersection entre la haute performance et une solide santé mentale en milieu de travail.
Elle compte plus de 20 ans d’expérience en tant que psychologue du leadership, coach exécutive et cadre supérieur dans les secteurs de l’entreprise, de l’assurance, et de la gouvernance. Son livre primé, The Resilience Plan: A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Your Work Performance and Mental Health, a été nommé “Top 5 livres à lire” par le magazine Inc. et par Forbes. Je vous prie de vous joindre à moi pour accueillir la Dre. Marie-Hélène Pelletier!
Dr. Marie-Hélène Pelletier
Throughout her career in management and psychology, Dr. Pelletier has spearheaded the dialogue on the crucial issues of leadership resilience and work performance. Drawing on her extensive background in corporate, insurance, and governance, she brings an international perspective and unique expertise on leadership. She has over 20 years of experience as a leadership psychologist, executive coach, and senior leader. Marie-Helene is a Member of the Global Clinical Practice Network of the World Health Organization, and past Director on the boards of the Canadian Psychological Association and the International Association of Applied Psychology. She has presented and authored and co-authored a number of industry and academic publications and has won numerous academic and industry awards. Dr. Pelletier is a highly rated instructor at the University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business, Executive Education and a member of the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council, an opt-in research community of business professionals. Her award-winning book, The Resilience Plan: A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Your Work Performance and Mental Health, was named a “Top 5 Book to Read” by Inc. Magazine and Forbes.
Dr. Marie-Hélène Pelletier
Tout au long de sa carrière en leadership et en psychologie, la Dre. Pelletier a mené le dialogue sur les enjeux cruciaux de la résilience du leadership et de la performance au travail. S’appuyant sur sa vaste expérience dans les secteurs de l’entreprise, de l’assurance, et de la gouvernance, elle apporte une perspective internationale et une expertise unique en matière de leadership. Elle compte plus de 20 ans d’expérience en tant que psychologue du leadership, coach exécutive et cadre supérieure. Marie-Hélène est membre du Réseau mondial de pratique clinique de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé et ancienne directrice des conseils d’administration de l’Association canadienne de psychologie et de l’Association internationale de psychologie appliquée. Elle a présenté et rédigé de nombreuses publications industrielles et académiques et a remporté de nombreux prix académiques et industriels. La Dre. Pelletier est une instructrice très appréciée à l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique, Sauder School of Business, Executive Education et membre du Harvard Business Review Advisory Council, une communauté de recherche opt-in de professionnels du monde des affaires. Son livre primé, The Resilience Plan: A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Your Work Performance and Mental Health, a été nommé “Top 5 livres à lire” par le magazine Inc. Magazine et par Forbes.
Dr. Marie-Helene Pelletier
Blending business acumen and psychological best practices to improve results
Dr. Marie-Helene Pelletier is an award-winning workplace mental health expert, psychologist, executive coach and speaker. She’s one of only a handful of work psychologists holding both a PHD and MBA.
Marie-Helene brings a signature mix of business and clinical expertise to the groups she works with. She translates psychology research (about health, resiliency, and leadership) into strategies professionals, business leaders and their teams need to thrive.
In her presentations, Dr. Pelletier draws from what clients call a “clear mastery of the subject matter.” She speaks with authority to engage and inspire participants with passion, knowledge, expertise, and joy. And she shares this expertise in many ways, from keynote speeches, to panel moderator roles, to more informal fireside chats.
Thought leadership and industry awards
Over the course of her career, she has participated on the boards of the Canadian Psychological Association and the International Association of Applied Psychology. She has also been an active member of the Global Clinical Practice Network of the World Health Organization, a role that she continues to this day.
She’s been featured in publications like Fast Company, Forbes and Thrive Global and her work has been published in academic journals such as Behaviour Research and Therapy, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, and Organizational Dynamics.
She has won numerous academic and industry awards, being described as a top industry leader with “credentials that make her uniquely suited to help guide the continued evolution of psychological health in the workplace”. Dr. Pelletier is a highly rated instructor at the University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Management, Executive Education and a member of the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council, an opt-in research community of business professionals. Her award-winning book, The Resilience Plan: A Strategic Approach to Optimizing Your Work Performance and Mental Health, was named a “Top 5 Book to Read” by Inc. and Forbes.
Dr. Pelletier has been recognized by clients as a ‘top quality virtual presenter’. She presents from a professional in-home studio with professional lighting, camera, mic, fibre optic internet connection (very fast).
Based on Dr. Pelletier’s 20+ years as a speaker, here are her recommendations: