Work from the Inside Out

265: Invest in Your Own Resilience and Stay Curious with MH Pelletier


During the interview, MH discussed her formative years, her educational journey in Quebec, her diverse professional development experiences, and her evolution from psychology into management. We delved into the importance of resilience, flexibility, strategic planning, and the integration of psychology and business for leaders and professionals.

Listen to the full episode here!

As a child growing up in Quebec City, MH enjoyed family trips to outdoor locations beyond the city, where she had the chance to explore and experience a sense of adventure and taking risks. She related this concept of adventure to her early career experiences as a psychologist when she lived in a more remote area of Quebec where mental health services were not plentiful. Yet, the needs were great in various settings. MH prepared herself to work there by taking additional courses to expand her credentials, enabling her to work in the courts, schools, and hospitals. She had to be strategic in this way to make a living doing work she felt was most important. Within the year, however, her plans changed, and she moved across the country to British Columbia to pursue her Ph.D. That presented some challenges as the rules regulating her psychology credentials varied between the provinces, and she had to take a few extra steps to achieve her goal. While on that journey, MH was able to develop other work options by asserting herself and taking some risks. It all paid off.

Today, MH combines her business and clinical expertise, translating research about health, performance, resilience, and overcoming challenges into strategies professionals, leaders, and their teams need to thrive.

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